
After work today I finally got round to trying out my new pedals and cycling shoes. I'm pleased to report that I made it round the estate without falling off! Looking forward to trying them out on a ride this weekend. I definitely need the exercise.

In other news, I try hard not to get cross about the Government's handling of the Brexit debacle but I have really had enough of them saying that leaving the EU is 'the will of the British people'. It isn't: it's the way half of 70% of the electorate voted. It doesn't take a genius to work out that this leaves a further half of the referendum voters who didn't vote for it and around a third who didn't bother to vote at all. Ultimately xenophobia and a lack of understanding of how business works got us into this situation and for the moment keeps us in it but I still believe we're better than that. Only time will tell though.

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