I have a plan!

Thanks to my cousin I now know how to transform my slides into digital images in a more efficient way than to use my flatbed scanner. 

Short description.  I remove the lens from my slide projector. Then I replace the condenser lens that sits between the lamp and the slide with a piece of opal glass.  Now the slide will be illuminated with a soft and even, but strong, light from behind.  I aim my DSLR with a macro lens to the slide and starts shooting. Of course I’ll have to rearrange all the slides so they are all in landscape mood and turn them so they are correct when viewed from this side of the projector.  Then it’s just next slide, blip, next slide, …

The blip shows a slide of my cousin some years ago as seen with a wide angel lens in his projector. My 105 mm macro lens will be perfect in my own setup.  Just one minor problem: Time.

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