Third Rainy Day in a Row..

..Which I don't mind a bit.
In fact I quite like them.

I dragged myself away from Family History research in order to take the new wellies for a walk into town.
I'm not confident that I looked a picture of elegance, but I might have looked a picture. (I appreciate the argument that waiting for snow could have been more appropriate, but I did a bit of splashing which was, on the whole, quite fun).
I was reminded of those awful days of Mixed Infants, when you set off to school in rubber boots and even before you had time to climb on the pipes for a sit down, the sun was drying up all the rain, Incy Wincy Spider had climbed up the water spout again and you were stuck with trying to skip at playtime in feet which now had blisters owing to half your sock being stuck in the bottom of your boot. (Just me? Oh, I hope not).

Now I have an ear worm of skipping rope rhymes..
'Spanish Lady turn around,
Spanish lady touch the ground,
Spanish lady do the high KICKS (Welly flies off and hits random British Bulldog playing lad square in the fizzog)..

Whistle blows.. Everyone freeze..

..I could never finish the rhyme and do the splits anyway.

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