A rose rose

I used one of our rose-pink-yellow rose for AT 
(They are really colourful as you can see in the extra :-D  )
Robert gave us the theme "pastel" and I didn't expected that it would be so difficult - I've learned that I tend to much more colous and contrasts .

And I needed a little bit of pink for BCAM, but pink isn't pastel....

BCAM means Breast Cancer Awareness Month:
This whole month try to shoot something pink every day and put up this link to click on for a free mammografie. 
So if you will please click on this Link and click on the big pink bar to support breast cancer research and offer someone a free mammogram.
There are no costs for you. A big THANK YOU!

And thank you Robert, AT is always fun, but also a big challenge 
(love it :-D  )

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