twinned with trumpton


School run (with gloves; t'were chilly) and then onwards / upwards to the office. The bonus being (a) the boss was off; golfing and (b) it lashed down with rain at various points so being inside was good. (Earphones in; Philip Glass to the fore)

At lunch I met her; flat white, savoury scone and a chat; she's still off but probably back tomorrow. 

Then back to the grind; some tricky stuff to wade through and write up. 4 cases dealt with out of the normal 12; and still some tricky ones to do.... Pfft....

Exit at 1700; near death experience at 1713; kids picked up by 1717 and in by 1735. 

Dinner done, head lice dealt with (oh the joy) we watched Danny Macaskill and chatted before bed. 

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