Second Cloudy Day This Week

Shot this after picking up some sausage rolls at the baker's.  They will come in handy at midnight and tomorrow, when I get on the bus at Breda and step off the same bus in London tomorrow ... to be followed by a train ride to Battle Abbey.  According to the Battle of Hastings FB page, all tickets have been sold so only ticket holders will be allowed in.  Am I glad I bought online.  You don't often get to witness a 950th Anniversary of anything.

In the meantime, BLIP postings updated ... check; laundry ... check; dishwasher ... check; bookkeeping ... check.  Some ironing later this evening, and the Creative Writing MOOC.  A not-so-early dinner, so that I won't get hungry too quickly.  I also need to pack in a pillow and plaid so that I can nap a bit more comfortably on the ferry, and also empty my car a bit so that it doesn't look 'tempting' while I leave it in the parking lot in Breda.

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