All Good Things...

The Olympics... The sunshine... the long summer break. Come to an end.

I was so determined to stretch out the last fragments of freedom this afternoon I didn't realise it had started to bucket down with rain until a big drip fell off the canopy I was sitting under and splashed onto the middle of the computer keyboard.

It's felt a completely different summer from previous breaks, partly down to the weather, but mostly down to the kids being older and able to amuse themselves more than in the past (even if that amusement meant sleeping through mornings and time-shifting the rest of the day to fit).

So here's another academic year about to kick off, in yet another brand spanking new campus, with a brand spanking new intake of students.

Deep breath. Bring it.


These forlorn, forgotten and cobweb covered sculptures are the remnants of some public art dotted along a nearby river walk, all constructed from bits of old bikes. Recycled cycles in fact.

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