
By Fisherking

....takes me back........

Rooting through a drawer this afternoon I came across this........a Merit stamp.

I ordered one for each member of the Faculty several years ago in an attempt to cut down on the marking burden. Why I've still got it I've no idea.

A better day today after a really bad night's sleep...........went to bed early........woke up at 2.30........couldn't get back to sleep until around 6.00.....then slept in until nearly 9.00. A rush round to get breakfast for the cats.........and me............because Jen was due at 10.00 for Reiki.

After Jen left I slowly began to feel better, more mobile, more relaxed. The MS nurse phoned.......she's visiting next week to see what I  might need to make life more comfortable.

Things are starting to look up!

Das vidanya moy padruga.

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