Between fen and mountains

By Tickytocky

To kiss or not to kiss

After church we went up to the square for coffee. Now, I get kissed quite a lot in the village.  That is not as exciting as it sounds, indeed it can be quite problematic.  Firstly men.  I shake hands with men but a few male friends will greet me with a kiss.  I have to remember which ones or I might lunge in and kiss a man who prefers to shake hands.  I am always happy to kissed by the women!  However, I have to judge how well I know them and wait for a sign as many women will not greet you with a kiss on the first meeting but will on subsequent ones.  Then how many kisses is it?  Here it is two but elsewhere it can be three or four.  The hardest problem is when there is a group of women, some of whom I know better than others.  I might go around greeting them all with kiss but then come to someone who I know only slightly and ponder.  Will she think me forward if greeted with a kiss or will she feel excluded as I greeted all the others with a kiss?  Sometimes I forget I am in France and forget the greeting and then must seem stand offish!  I won't even begin to describe the subtleties of the problem of when to address people with the informal 'tu' form of 'you' or the formal 'vous.'

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