
 As a matter of fact I should have started to sort my parents house.
But it was said, that it would be the only Golden October day for the next weeks. So we decided to make a trip to the Tegensee near Munich and enjoy the surroundings and the weather...
Procrastination de luxe :-D

This lad crossed the see onto a board for standing paddlers. 

The extra is a blip of the big red full moon. We played hide and seek while we were driving homewards though the hills and forests on a country road, without an opportunity to stop. So it is handheld out of an driving car, but I like the cars on their way to the "Milky way"

Nothing pink for BCAM today but still my reminder:
BCAM means Breast Cancer Awareness Month:
This whole month try to shoot something pink every day and put up this link to click on for a free mammografie. 
So if you will please click on this Link and click on the big pink bar to support breast cancer research and offer someone a free mammogram.
There are no costs for you. A big THANK YOU!

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