Bearded tit?

Today's the day ............................ to wait ............ and wait

Margaret has long requested a visit to the RSPB Reserve at Leighton Moss - because she would like very much to see the bearded tits that show themselves there at this time of the year.

They come to the feeders to eat grit which will help their digestive systems to cope with the hard reed seeds that they are forced to eat when the supply of insects - their summer diet - falls off.  I have been to Leighton Moss many times in the hope of seeing them but I have only managed it once.

So today, we all got up early and were on the moss before 9.00 am.  We left several hours later - but we never did get to see them.  We visited the grit feeders at regular intervals to be told that we had 'just missed them'.  It's such an elusive little bird that we will just have to keep trying to see .............................  

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