
It is in my G'daughters front garden, I think it's very pretty and delicate looking. A busy day with Isla, she slept well, and we had a long chat in our bed this morning, on how big my bed was, but not as nice as her Mummies, haha she shares her Mummies bed a lot :-)) Any hoo she ate a heap of scrambled eggs and toast , including half of mine,. Then we played for a bit, she counted how many puppies were in her comic, and I will send it off to see if she wins anything :-)) Then her Mum arrived, she had been into the hospital to get vaccinations for her work. We had lunch, then played outside, it was a bit nippy, but we wrapped up well, Isla doesn't seem to feel the cold .. Then we took them home, played a bit of magic, and home. A full on day, were tired now, but happy.

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