Where the Light Gets In

By DHThomas

Lunch with Nick

impromptu luncheon
my cousin came to visit
on a busy day

What a delightful surprise! I was ordering my lunch at the counter at La Parenthèse when Kay who was taking my order told me "I think someone wants to talk to you." I turned around and who did I see through the glass doors? No other than my cousin Nicolas, whom you've seen here a few times but not for a while. The simple reason being that I hadn't seen him, I think, in over eighteen months though we both live around Paris...

My sister's been on the phone with him a lot lately (she's much better than I am at keeping in touch with family) so he knew all about what's happening at my parents'. I was glad I could talk with him about it without having to break the news to him. He actually had more recent news than I had, as he'd talked to my sister this morning...

We also talked about what's been going on in our lives since we met. Their little girl has started going to kindergarten (is that only a US term, is it preschool in the UK? I could never tell...), he's been on two business trips to the US of A over the summer (one to Boston, one to LA), his wife now works closer to their home. It was so good to catch up with him.

I took a few photos inside La Parenthèse, but the light wasn't good at the table. So, when we came out, I took him in front of a bit of wall I like as a portrait background. After that, we went to have a coffee.

You can see all the pics of this spirit-lifting encounter here.

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