secret garden

By freespiral

Slaughter on the anemone!!

The day being much better than forecast, I have been out tackling nature. We decided to have a wwooferless(volunteers who work on your land in exchange for food and accomodation) year this year which means we have to do all the work, so today was mostly spent hacking at brambles. We keep a patch which produce the fattest most delicious blackberries and I've already collected a big dishful - typically they also have the most enormous thorns so I am now shredded. Blueberries, apples, plums and the first grapes are also being eaten. This is the first year we've had a decent amount of plums but they are all splitting on the branch - anyone any idea why that might be? They taste fine.

I was blipping this rather pretty Japanese anemone when I realised something rather unpleasant was going on! Biggify if you dare - this sinister little white spider, cleverly camouflaged complete with hints of yellow, is wrapping up tonight's supper. It was camera-shy and disappeared pretty quickly, dragging its parcel with it.

Edit: he was very busy this time last year too

Edit 2: Himself has just come home with infromation that we are to expect horrendous weather tomorrow, as bad as the 1987 storms with gale force gusts, 500mm of rain and flooding - urgh!!

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