
By SpotsOfTime


by blip....

I was working out at Kirkby Stephen today and it was one of those days where you disappear into another world ... it was Tup Sale Day.  I've been there on auction mart day before but this was clearly a big one. Not a parking space to be had.  After talking to a couple of people at work who were from farming families and hearing that some tups go for many thousands of pounds, I was staggered. Farmers travel from far and wide to come to this sale. 

Blip-less at lunchtime and pondering Abstract Thursday as usual on Thursdays, I decided to bite the bullet and pop over for a quick look. I felt so out of my comfort zone and so out of place it took some courage to head in and mingle. Although I know Cumbria very well there is just nothing quite like this and it can feel like a parallel universe. As I wandered around the sheep pens and tried to peer into the auction ring I thought I would never have the nerve to get my camera out but I settled in near a pen and watched the farmers checking over the animals and then decided to quickly go for it and took a few snaps.

I had lots of wandering thoughts today, which usually happens on Abstract Thursday. The theme today was 'Pets' and as I was driving to work I was thinking about any pets I knew, I wondered what exactly a pet is.... an animal companion, a stroke/affectionate gesture,  pet project, a north-eastern endearment .. all seemed to relate to an attachment, usually positive, although not necessarily (as with 'pet hate'). I wondered if I could have a pet mountain.

Anyway, the upshot is, I'm stretching a point here. I doubt many of the animals here will become pets as such and although this gesture may be interpreted as affectionate ... I don't think this tup is being petted but is more likely about to have his teeth checked. Although prize animals were being photographed and admired I found myself wondering where the boundaries between pet, animal and human lay, wondering about companionship, attachment to the animal, the way of life, the working relationship, utility, commodity, etc. I also couldn't help but think about the short leap we can take to trafficking humans.

So, once again, a huge and enormous debt of gratitude goes to youoregon for hosting the Abstract Thursday challenge so wonderfully. It is with great sadness that I read he is standing down because he has done the most wonderful job. I have always felt it must take so much of his time because he has always taken such care and thoughtfulness in his comments and attention to the task. I hugely appreciate his encouragement especially as I am always daunted by the concept and idea of abstract but it has stretched me, challenged my thinking and it has opened up so much conceptually. So many many thanks to youoregon.

p.s. I realise this isn't very abstract .... I was thinking of going in closer on the horn shape but wanted to capture the hand as well.

p.p.s. A week later - I was back at KS and learnt that one tup went for £38,000

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