Probably a shot of a Jnr

By Hollowspy

Happy Half Term

Trevor looks like he's happy about a week out of the classroom.

Aaaaaahhhhhh you all say at shots like this, and the thousands of images of little hedgehogs all rolled up in a ball.  However, this is a sign that they are feeling threatened and are in an extremely defensive mood.  You do have to wonder what some photographers for these 'cutsie' posters, etc do to them.

Although he felt threatened by rolling up, I was just trying to get him into his little bag so I could transport him home where he gets to stink out my front room bring love to the Hollow household.  Looking at this shot, the smile is a false one, it's a result of a double chin!!  Maybe accidentally leaving his favourite snack (mealworms) at school might not be a bad thing.

Check out his grumpier look on the extra :-D  He knows me well and must have guessed I'd forget the mealworms.

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