Learning day by day

By EmmaF


We spent the day at Hitchin Boys School at their family sports camp. Both kids did loads of trampolining, Carys nailing drop sits and William doing it too but not quite able to get back up on his feet. Carys was taught to do a headstand with her knees on her elbows, a normal handstand and is now able to do a rudimentry cartwheel. There was a double mini-trampette which both kids liked, but Carys loved and showed some style on.

Over lunchtime we went out onto the field and Carys did some archery whilst William although eager, was told he was too little. "I do it when I bigger, bigger Mummy." This is his statutory answer to most things at the moment, including the Judo, which he was itching to have a go at, but again was told he was too little.

After William's knock backs we headed to the tennis courts where they both had some instruction and Carys showed that she had been listening during PE at school as she was able to tell the coach a forehand was from "Low to high and the racket ends up tickling your back." What?!? But she was right. More impressively the tennis coach was the second person of the day to tell me my boy has good co-ordination for his age and 'takes instruction very well for a two and a half year old' , obviously he wasn't talking about instruction from his mother!

After the tennis we headed back to the main hall for more trampolining, gymnastics and Carys had her facepainted. Both kids were wrecked by the end and I think I only just cycled home in time to stop W sleeping in the bike trailer. Hoping they might lie-in in the morning...oh look there goes a pig past the first floor window.

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