
By YellowTeddy

Arthur meets the horses again

Today has been a lovely lazy Sunday, with time to catch up with a few things.  After Sunday lunch, I took Arthur for a quick walk along the road outside our house.  At the moment there are horses in the field opposite us.  Luckily the horses are really friendly and quite inquisitive.  They come to the fence to see if they can get a bit of attention.  Sam and Will's school's field abuts this field and the horses regularly go to the fence so that the children can stroke their noses at break time.  Arthur decided to have a nosy and he and the horses had a bit of a sniff of each other.  Arthur was a bit nervous at first but after hiding behind my legs for a little while, he braved a sniff.
The photo shows Arthur in the garden, after we had returned home, still watching the horses.

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