Here we go again

Like it has already happened quite a few times before, I found a small caterpillar in Rosie's curly kale a few days ago. It has since at least doubled in size and is still happily munching away in the clear plastic container with air holes that its predecessors also lived in for a while until they were released after their last transformation.

As much as I like to see what each caterpillar turns into, I would have preferred not to have found this one as the temperatures outside have now started to drop to under 10°C and I can only hope that we will have a very mild day when it will be ready to be released.

As the extra photo shows, we had a very foggy start today.The fog became even worse later, to the point that you could barely see anything anymore. It did lift eventually but the whole day remained very grey.

I would have liked to have a nice lie in this morning but unfortunately I couldn't have one as my brother was coming over to have lunch with me. Instead I had to get up rather early as there was still a lot to do before he would get here. 

Thank you very much for all the comments and stars on yesterday's blip.

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