
By Fisherking

...........another new toy....

Yesterday another nurse visited..........she changed my dressing........we had a long chat...........and she promised to be back on Monday. The Daughter arried and blitzed the house for me.......what a treasure.

I'm still pissed off...........mainly with the crappy treatment over the last few weeks by the doctors at the local hospital.....but also with waiting for local services to visit to see if I need any equipment to help me get I decided to be active. Got on the internet and bought a walking frame, an over bed/chair table and a perching stool. The frame and table were delivered at 9.30 last night and the stool will be here by Wednesday.

The Daughter arrived and blitzed the house for me...........what a star!

I didn't sleep much last night, but I was up early this morning...........the S & H was bringing the girls over for breakfast before their day trip to Blackpool to see t'lights.

This afternoon things deteriorated..........I developed an annoying cough........stomach ache.......headache and...... indigestion. I managed to do a few little jobs...........and I watched the football...........well until the score went to 3-0 when I gave up in disgust.

I fed the cats...........and was just about to have some soup........and a very early night......when the Daughter dropped in unannounced to cook............she also brought a game for  us to play..........Monopoly!

As the evening progressed my leg became less responsive and more painful.After she left I attempted to remove the dressing to relive the pressure.....I failed miserably...but got into a right I phoned the S & H for help...........he arrived...........cut the dressing off........and the relief was instant. So I'm posting this and then off to bed.............tomorrow the nurse and the GP are visiting...........and I'm phoning the physio to arrange an assessment......and then the Consultant's Secretary to see if there's any stem cell research happening locally.......and if I can volunteer.

Das vidanya moy padruga.

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