Now, as I see it......

By JohnRH

Mono Monday: The Postman Always Rings Twice

The Mono Monday challenge for this week is 'The Postman Always Rings Twice'. Well, I don't know about our postman but I reckon he could have rung twice, knocked twice or even given us two choruses of 'Come To The Cook-house Door' on a Posthorn; there was no way he was getting this bad boy through the letterbox. When we were on holiday we stayed in a few places that had feather and down mattress toppers on the bed; they were so comfortable that it felt like you were being given a big hug by the bed. So now we have one at home for our bed and it will be given its first test tonight. If my Blips for the next few days are a view of my bedroom ceiling, you'll know it is a success.

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