Roly's Life

By Roly


A very productive day despite the heavy rain. It began when the big lounge curtain rail fell off the wall as I opened the curtains! Using this as an incentive to replace the curtains we've lived with (and disliked) for 6.5 years, all the curtains were taken down and new ones chosen from IKEA. Due to the size of our windows, we need 3m wide (2pairs) minimum and 3m drop!

I then took Jude into town to do Brownie banking, send a recorded delivery letter, drop stuff off at the charity shop and collect an M&S order. We may have squeezed in a coffee too.

Back home for a bite to eat and then off again with Eldest and the BF - Camborne to drop forms off and have a DBS check at the college, Truro to collect a Next order and finally Penryn to collect an Asda order.

All plans for a day out were cancelled as the rain kept falling, eventually MrRoly left with Jude, Eldest and BF to drive up country. Hopefully he has avoided the worst week of the traffic - flooding down near Pets At Home is causing rare traffic jams outside our house!

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