Not Nice

After a later night than expected last night (I couldn't find my car in the car park - idiot) it was a struggle to wake up this morning. Especially with not being in the South of France and everything. However, I dragged myself up and walked to work, finding a glorious carpet of crisp, golden leaves. Utterly delightful. Autumn, I could learn to love you.

I also discovered that house hunters are like buses. After nothing for weeks, I've now got three people who want to look at the flat. Showed the first person around today and they seemed to like it. Thankfully, I can bob over from work pretty easily to show people round. The flat was freezing when I got in last night and I might have overdone it in preparation for the viewer - we were both sweating by the end of it.

My usually half term tidy up at work today - we tend to let everything get into a complete tip over the half term and then I spend a day in the holidays clearing up. It's a good job I love to clean.

Off to mum's this evening for a curry and a bit of slobbing out in front of the TV.

Edit: changed my initial image. I had to go shoe shopping today. It seems my excessive fitbitting means that I'm going through shoes a bit faster.

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