Eliasteich (Elias Lake)

Today is a public holiday (Austria National Day) which we spent idly at home this morning, although a few chores did get done. After lunch we went for a walk to one of the local lakes as the weather was quite mild although very dull. The autumn colours are stunning this year, although a bit of sunshine would have brightened them up for the photo.
The MonoMonday results are out - it was soooo hard this week as they were all brilliant and I had many favourites. I decided to do categories as there were many recurring themes that people had chosen.
Category 1. Best Doorbell. Bom Runner up: sk
Category 2. Best Cora daisyconnor Runners up KerskoFlyingPRGal
Category 3. Best Murder Scene. FranskS Runner up Skeena
Category 4. Best Quote. Kd Runner up SkiMe
Category 5. Best Postman Shygirl73, Runner up outdoorguy
Next week is #MM145, The Maltese Falcon which I am sure gives a lot of scope. I actually meant it to be Halloween as it is the 31st October but I forgot so, if you would like to use Halloween ala Film Noir, as an alternative theme, please feel free

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