
By Viewpoint

How not to travel!

Our journey to Bath has been endlessly challenging today. We should have arrived by 3.15pm and ended up two hours late! Our local train was running 15 mins late and then the Plymouth train from Sheffield was 30 mins late, which then turned into an hour and a half because someone in our carriage dislocated her knee getting into her seat, so we had to wait for the ambulance. In the end our train didn't go any further than Birmingham, so we had to wait another 50 mins for the train that came through on the next hour. The only good thing was that the people who had booked our seats didn't turn up, so we were able to sit all the way to Bristol Park
Way. As you can imagine we were glad to find our accommodation ( which we couldn't get into initially - but then that's another story). I hope it's all been worth it.

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