Nasty..... today! I would have preferred to stay curled up at home with a good book, only I had too much to do today! It's cold, windy and raining, but after getting all my errands done I stopped at the beach to take a few pictures. I was sopped within minutes, and I think I spent more time trying to keep my camera dry than I did actually taking pictures! The parking lot had 10 or so cars lined up with the drivers and passengers watching the Lake, as the water was really pumped up from the wind----apparently I was the only one in need of a picture dumb enough to get out of the car!
We skyped Jennie yesterday evening and the little one heard Tom's voice & came running up to the computer with her arms held out to be picked up---Tom said it breaks his heart not to be able to scoop her up! When I said "Hi" to her, she got this big grin on her face & did the 3 stooges impression I taught her--"Woop, woop, woop"! Just cracked me up!! :))

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