
By Alberta


Well the forecast is stormy for this afternoon so we left for a bike ride early 0830. I was feeling very sleepy and then the 'bad' news!! Mr A said we would ride to Montignac to find a restaurant where we are celebrating his birthday next week. Now that is not bad news but the hill out of Montignac is!! So that's where we went, found the restaurant well more like a house (but is supposed to be the best cuisine in the area) and then up we went.. Songs go round my head when I'm cycling . it helps to keep the rhythm and in the last couple of days they have been ones from the Olympics Closing ceremony.. today it was Waterloo sunset.. not really appropriate as sunrise might have been more apt although we were a bit late for that.. Anyway there are points in our rides where it is as if we are on top of the world .. this is one of them and that is Montignac in the distance... well worth the climb .. we cycled onto Aubeterre for coffee .. coming back was gruelling. my legs still ache.. but back to work .. it is looking heavy outside so perhaps that storm is imminent..

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