Filipina Colleague

She's about 8 years older than I am and she was admiring the fact that I use a rucksack for my things, although I do have a regular laptop bag (with no laptop inside) for large piles of work.  We sometimes speak in Tagalog at work.  She's about my height and works 3 days a week.  She is also the coordinator of the Economics Department and is one of the liaison people for internships and internationalization.  She didn't mind my taking this shot.

Plain simple work today, but I did most of the work at home.

Finished One Hundred Years of Solitude.  Not long now before the MOOC itself is done.  I'll be glad when it's finished as it has taken quite a chunk of time.  That said, I did enjoy it.  Speaking about MOOCs, I need to make sure I'm still enjoying them.  There will be no time for them, though, till Saturday, 5 November.

Load of preparation work awaits.  I will be posting here but merely in-between assignments.  I do look at your journals but cannot find enough time to comment right now.  On Thursday, there's also an important appointment at the nearby hospital.  Will tell you all about that soon.

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