
I walked home for lunch expecting a quick turn round back to work after sampling the promised 'divine' mushrooms that Dd had been persuaded to buy in the market. How wrong can one be. Dd had been at work pruning the patio for the arrival of more guests today, our neighbour was doing the same with his tall trees next door and the lady in the ground floor flat on the other side of our patio wall was complaining about our plant encroachment onto her space. Bob-a-Job Bb was despatched to make peace with step ladder, basket, saw and pruning shears in hand. An hour later, a head-to-foot sweat-sodden Bb had accomplished the clean up task and was then put into a steaming shower to avoid getting a chill by his suddenly considerate wife. The clients had to wait for once as these adventures around the block were completed! The mushrooms were ok but not exactly divine and I'm still waiting for my bob!

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