what we did today...

By SarnieV


C was playing in the school hockey team this morning so I took time out to go watch a bit and take some photos. He wasn't impressed to get out in goal for a bit, but cheered up when he didn't have to the next game.

After school C had to make autumnal themed baking for his homework. He chose to add cinnamon to his favourite thing to bake - melting moments. D decided he "needed" to make some chocolate cupcakes. I tried to fob him off by sending him to find a recipe, but obviously his reading has got good enough to find recipes and check ingredients. So I had the challenge of supervising my kitchen while 2 small boys baked and spread flour, sugar, oats all over. The results were very nice and it all seemed a lot less stressful over a glass of wine later on, tho solo baking is much more restful :-D

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