
By Fisherking

.....surprise, surprise.....

An unexpected I didn't really want.....but one I needed.....dressings for my manky leg.

Woke up with almost no movement in the leg.....the nurses came and changed the dressing in case it was too tight........but nothing much changed as the day went on...despite anti-biotics.....Ibuprofen.......and paracetemol.

The Daughter took a half day to help me............the DiL brought the girls to see me......the car went for its annual has only 3000 miles on the clock............of course they found something....a slow puncture..........caused by a nail.........of  course it was close to the tyre it couldn't be repaired.......but of course they just happened to have one........only £70.

So.......a better day mentally...probably because I had some company..............but a worse day physically. Maybe tomorrow will be more balanced..........we'll see.

Das vidanya moy padruga,

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