Little Shoes.

Isabella's first shoes are destined for the bin, as she has outgrown them.

She had a long day with us today.  She didn't want to go for a walk, so we played in the garden and the house.  And of course, ate.

She had cold chicken for lunch, followed by a large orange.  She then spotted my chicken and mayonnaise sandwich, so had half of that too.

Dinner tonight was cheesy chicken fricassee,  she liked  it apart from the sweet corn, which she kept taking out of her mouth.  This was followed by grapes.

I then suggested a bath.  She couldn't get up the stairs quick enough.  She had a good play, and didn't mind getting out, when it was time.

Dreamworld has been told they cannot re-open on Friday as planned.  The CEO and management team are taking a battering in the press, for their uncaring attitude.  And more and more stories are coming out about bad practises at the park.  It's going to be hard for them to recover from all the bad publicity.

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