Nothing happens here...

By StuartDB

It'll be dark next week at this time...

A gorgeous sunset over the west of the county tonight.  You can see why the ancient tribes chose that point on the hill top as a burial ground.  I often stand in the garden at night and watch these sunsets and wonder who was strolling through here all those thousands of years ago.

In other news...

El Capitan is all up and running on my iMac.

Upgrading from El Capitan 10.10 to 10.11.6 (I think) sorted the 'error' messages.  Epson sorted the issue of software clashes with a new patch for the scanner.  Canon checked it out and said they were not the culprit.  Adobe put their hands up and linked me to CS5 v12.05, a new patch despite them telling me earlier that they didn't support CS5 any longer so why didn't I give them £500pa for Adobe CC.


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