Anyone for cricket?

Yesterday afternoon I saw the most amazing sight and didn't have my camera to hand.  Sitting on the birdbath in the garden, and both having a drink were a greater spotted woodpecker and a squirrel.  It'll never happen again.

I walked across the fields and down to the river this morning and met no-one except a lady who walked past me as I was trying to take a picture of a yellowhammer.  I met her again but this time coming towards me, having walked approximately six miles in total to get a morning paper.  I can understand going out for a walk, but to walk so far just to get depressed by the news seems a bit daft. 

The sky was as dull as ditchwater but I've given the trees a bit of a boost just to cheer myself up.  The ones in the distance are cricket bat trees and always lose their leaves very early.

The extra made me smile and was taken as a panorama.  I rather like the idea of the power lines skipping.

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