Still adorable

Look who called in again today ...

I will be perfectly honest I had decided not to use a picture of Zak today because next door were having a firework party tonight but the pictures I have just taken are absolutely c%$@ so here he is again for your delectation. I need more practice..taking pictures of fireworks I mean !

Today I have cleared everything that is not nailed down on the patio as Michael is coming to relay it starting next Tuesday. I'm not looking forward to having it done but I'm looking forward to when it is looks so big with nothing on it .So one bench is in the garage along with the water feature, BBQ, small table & the brown bin - the rest has been broadcast around the borders including the old mangle.

The know of the fireworks ....maybe something to do with the bottle of wine I drank before hand but I can't blame that can I ?

Another dull grey day but mild

Hope you are all well hic !

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