
By StephenS

Scary No 2.

No 2 , ready and made up (courtesy of LP) for a halloween party tonight. She couldn't smile because it would make her make up crack!
No 1 is off to a Justin Bieber concert in Glasgow, so me and No 3 are deciding on what movie to watch (I've a feeling it might be Mama Mia again!) 
I'm not sure if I should be expecting any trick or treaters (guisers in Scots parlance) tonight, not being strickly halloween, but we are prepared.
Funny, I was talking to some of the mums the other day at No 3's school halloween party, and I asked whether they remembered those cardboardy masks that they used to sell in the shops. They seemed to be made with the same material that egg boxes are made with. 
They didn't, so I was showing my age again!
But then again I do remember watching the first Dr Who!

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