Da Kale Yerd

It's been a fine calm day, fairly dull and the odd drizzle shower.

It's my weekend on in the museum.  It's been a fairly quiet day for a Saturday.  Various folk have been asking about yesterday, and all very concerned.  I've been keeping myself busy today with setting up for a birthday party hire, hope it goes well.  Me and Sammy have had a few walks tonight, but apart from that, it's been a fairly lazy time on the sofa.

I nipped down to Cunningsburgh at lunchtime, for a brisk walk.  I was on the lookout for kale, and came across this perfect kale yard.  Also the time of year for kale kastin, which is an old tradition of throwing kale into folks front door on Halloween night.  I used to do it when I was a peerie boy.  Taken at Clapphoull, Cunningsburgh. 

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