Merrick and Mar-mar at Mott Farm

We went to a Halloween outing today at the Mott Estate. To call it a holiday outing is very generous. They had 4 stations set up to pass out treats to the kids. 4 STATIONS!

But, the Mott's house was open, so we got to tour that, and Merrick got a free mini-pumpkin. Plus, the boy had the "friendly frog" almost entirely to he was happy.

Merrick plays, and he plays hard. They were having a neighborhood Halloween party tonight, so his Mom wanted Merrick to rest this afternoon. He laid down at our house...and he slept for 3 hours!!!

Quite a nap. Jumping off the frog really did the trick...OR...maybe Ironman is not getting enough iron.

P.S. I gave the boy good scores for his form on the bench jump, but had to take points off for not "sticking" the landing.

P.S.S. Check out the shot in the picture frame with Grandma. Merrick got his first visit from the tooth fairy this week. What is the tooth fairy paying these days? 5 dollars and a Hot Wheels  car. (I wonder how she knows he likes cars?)

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