
By KimChristie

My (old) man´s a....

Lawyer, and doesn´t he look like one?!! Hahaha
He´s not really that old either.
Back to what is fast becoming a standard. This full time work thing is just about breaking me!! Early mornings never were my forte and by the time I´m done at work I am ready for bed again. Who knew 1 year olds could be SO demanding!! Also leaves me so little opportunity for taking photos as I cannot take my eyes off them as if I do one of several things may happen. 1. One or more of them disappear. 2. One partakes in some buddy bashing 3. One climbs on something it definitely shouldn´t (and invariably ends up falling off). I write "one" but of course this can easily occur in multiples.
The upside of the job is that currently I get to spend my days in the sun with the little monkeys.
Tomorrow is a new day and maybe I will find some inspiration.

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