Unintentional art

Thought I'd do a flower Blip today, so put one of my potted nerines up on the rail of the decking to give it a leafy background. It's Nerine flexuosa 'Alba', the white form of a South African autumn-flowering bulb which I grew from Chiltern Seeds some years ago.

It's not a choice good for growing outside here as unlike the more commonly grown Nerine bowdenii  it's a winter-leafing species, so the new foliage gets frosted and the bulb obviously won't thrive.

It was only when I uploaded the image to the computer that I realised that the camera was set on 'picture' mode, which was odd as I don't remember resetting it since yesterday's picture. I took a couple more in normal mode but thought I would Blip the arty one, just for a change!

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