Mist over Teddington Lock

A confession - Finding it hard to keep up with Blip right now, and feeling really guilty about not commenting I seriously considered not becoming a paid up member. However, I have renewed my membership as I really want to support the folk who sweated blood and worked tirelessly to save Blip. It would also be so selfish of me not to renew as I have derived so much from my three years plus with Blip. The friends I have made and the folk I have "met" are far too precious to lose not to mention all I  have learned  about photography. 
So, a huge thank you to all of you who visit my journal and comment, I hope to get back into that side of it before too long.
And, thank you too, to the team who saved Blip.
This is my 1226th entry - I'm so grateful to be staying!  ((:

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