A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Sunday fun and games

So I went into my photo stream with the intention of finding a very atmospheric shot of the River Thames at low tide and in the fog this morning on our dog walk. But then I saw this image of a post dog walk pre lunch game of Codenames and it made me smile so here it is. Codenames is a brand new game to us but having played it here with the 4 of us and later with SooB and co I suspect it will get quite a lot more outings. One of its very best features is the seemingly limitless number of possible permutations it has.

So there has been a dog walk and games and friends over and a food shop and a laundry sort and, er, that sounds just about plenty for a Sunday. Lamenting the absence of Downton Abbey I am opting for a quiet evening with a book.

Lesley x

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