
I had the evening on my own with these two tonight. After getting called to pre school early because Elliott came out in spots, I took him to the doctor right on tea time. This meant Lincoln had sandwiches, crackers, grapes and a banana for tea in the doctor's office and in the car (he didn't complain). Elliott got a late tea when we got home and I stuffed mine down while Elliott cried on the play mat. That was until I gave him the musical walker. He loved it. It was even worthy of his 'talking' which is usually only reserved for Olive.
By the time Daddy got home I had them both in PJs and had fed then both their evening milk, but I didn't even attempt putting them down. They go down at the same time and both need full attention. Not worth the stress.

We had a breakthrough today too. Lincoln used the pre school toilet 4 times!

And Elliott is fine. It's viral, as always.

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