Starry Eyed Surprise

By bellerock

Taking one for the team

Not my words, Mr G's to me by means of words of comfort to me for 2 hours of my life that I'll never get back!
A spontaneous visit to one of Dundee's finest picture houses.

I did want to visit people twitcher but she was very tired. I had cake with me Gail ( I forgot to mention this to you) cupcakes made by Linley. I can't guarantee what state they will reach you in tomorrow but that's no reflection on Linley's baking and every reflection on them jollying around with me in the car today.

Anyhoo, this film is a 'boy' film which was enjoyed muchly by Mr G, judging by the tears rolling down his face.

I got the humour, but failed to find it belly bustingly funny.

Or maybe I just had a sense of humour failure.

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