Thoughts of a Mummy

By Jaxndm

Double delights!

Today has been a day of online celebrations for me. Today marks a year to the day that I started up a local twins club Twins at Totstime. We had a fantastic birthday party on Monday at our club play session and were fortunate enough to have the Leicester Mercury visit and take photo's. They ran an article on us and it was in today's paper.
I absolutely love our twins club; the families I have met, the friends I have made, the amazing personalities in all of the children - all of it is wonderful! To be a part of such a group is of huge satisfaction to me. Having twins makes life that bit more interesting! Potty training for example; when potty training a child, you do so with one child at a time and you teach them to use the potty, then the toilet (or sometimes go straight for the toilet). As they get older, you teach the child about bladder control and waiting until the toilet is available. Ok, so what about when you have two children of exactly the same age and haven't yet mastered the art of patience and bladder control?!? Luckily we had the potty upstairs at that time tonight!!
Having twins or any amount of multiples, really does take you into a whole new world. A world of challenges, roller coaster emotions, opportunities, criticism and sometimes awe! I wouldn't change one bit of it.
I love all of our girls immensely, the each have their own characters and yes Ruby and Penny are twins, they are also sisters just like Daisy-May and Ashleigh. The love I have for each of them is the same.
Daisy-May has been to her friends house this afternoon. She had been a little naughty last night, so I engineered the truth by telling her that she couldn't go to her friends this morning and that she had to be on her best behaviour this morning to be allowed to go in the afternoon. DM didn't need to know that her friends Mum & I had changed plans slighty to get together after lunch instead of before ;o). DM came over to me after breakfast and said (with a sad face) "I'm mean't to be at my friends now". Bless, if only she knew ;o) As it was, my plan worked and she was really well behaved and so was allowed to go to her friends. However, it would appear that finding her and her friend rudey nudey in the bathroom and having a water fight was not what her friends mum had in mind! And to be honest, neither did I!!
Ruby and Penny had an afternoon of making tea for each other then sat and watched Snow White.
Ashleigh is on her second day of eating home cooked purée, which is wonderful! I'm really happy that she's back in homemade food.
Over the past few days I have noticed that when she gets excited, she breathes quickly through her nose. She knows that she's doing it and has a little giggle afterwards :o)
I love the fact that I am lucky enough to have a supportive husband who provides for us so that I can stay at home with the girls.

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