
By Wildwood

Hangin' in There

Some days I feel a bit like this tree--some dead branches and sparse leaves, but a bit of early morning sun hitting a few places. Hangin' in There. Today was a day of good walking, bad traffic, great lunch on the deck of one of my favorite restaurants, bad hair and a visit to the chiropractor, which I hope cures my headache.

Ozzie thought it was a good day since OilMan and I both fed him. Two breakfasts didn't stop him from licking the foam out of my latte as usual. Labradors are so easy...every day is a good day.

OilMan had a pretty good day at golf--some awesome shots and some not so awesome ones according to him. He's cooking dinner which is a spot of sun in my day.

Early to bed tonight with a special pillow under my neck.

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