Fading Pink ...

The last day of October ... Breast Cancer Awareness Month ... Pink is the color for the commitment with all those women who (have to) face this terrible disease. I posted every day of this month a picture with a pink accent to keep alive the awareness. For my journal today pink is fading away as a "must-be-there-colour" in every entry. But what's not fading away is the website where you're going to when clicking the link ... so ...

... please copy the website from the link (click on the name of the website below) to your favorites section and go daily to the website http://thebreastcancersite.greatergood.com/ and click the big pink bar to support breast cancer research and someone a free mammogram. It's for free but will be so much appreciated!...

Thank you for visiting my journal, your supporting comments and tokens of appreciation. Very kind of you!

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