Oldgroaners Phone&Compact

By Oldgroaner

My Pirate Ship!

Sixty Five years ago it was complete, and you could go below deck, there were three of them and we kids regarded them as ours, many stirring sea battles of the imagination were fought on and between them with wooden swords, bows and arrows and catapults, and many a spanked bottom resulted when going home afterwards covered in mud from head to foot.
It was straight into the Dolly Tub in the back yard and a scrub down with a bar of sunlight soap that was as hard as a Brick!
Look at the poor old "Revenge" now, she's not in much better condition than I am!
The line of lumps to the left of the picture in front of the "Revenge" is  all that remains of the the Spanish Treasure Galleon we were always in pursuit of, but never overtook,  it too was complete back then.
Every time I ride by on my Bike I stop, just for a little while, and wonder what became of the other kids after all these years.
We had far better toys that Computer Games, methinks!

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