'Attack' On Bird Island

Yesterday I wrote the following about the little island I call bird island ,
""In the middle of the traffic, but safe as houses "" 
 Today served to show how nowhere can be deemed really safe.
In the early hours of this morning a 40ton heavy goods vehicle  hit a huge traffic lamp ( about 30feet in height ) bringing it down, then ploughed across the island where I sit each day , smashing barriers, seats , destroying the bus stop & hitting buildings the other side of Reichstraße. The driver is in hospital under observation. On going out it was bitterly cold and very windy .The roads were blocked as a new light had to be fixed , bus stop replaced by a temporary one etc etc . Not to mention removal of the vehicle from where it had finally halted . You see it parked and awaiting the rescue vehicle .Later the powers that be came taking photos of damage .All must be replaced . The birds were not impressed . On listening to the radio I fear the record of HGV vehicles leaves much to be desired .

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