horns of wilmington's cow

By anth

The joy* of owning an old car

*joy, of course, encompasses pleasure, amusement, worry that something will stop working imminently, knowing the sections of the Haynes manual inside out, and occasionally some downright wtf-ery.

Popped out to check on the bits and pieces looked at last night:
Headlights, working, wahey.
Spots, working, woo hoo.
Tail lights, once they're on, staying on (definitely a loose switch connection).

Hang on. What's that slight screeching? Hmmm, okay, fan belt might need tightened. The car has probably been run a bit more in the last few weeks that it's used to.

Okay, I'll just turn in here for a sneaky wee night photo and... Oh... What's happened to the indicators. Definitely not coming on. Nope, only on sidelights makes no difference. Nor does main lights off completely and... What? The hazards still come on? Indicator fuse maybe? Wire from the indicator stalk disconnected?

I guess I'll be popping out to the garage again tonight if I want to use the car on Saturday....

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